Gender Audit: Women at work

Author: CKD

Year of Publication: 2019

There are glaring gaps between policy mandates and the culture/ behaviour at work places. The recent instances of “Me Too”! underscore the need to scrutinise processes at workplaces and build organisational capacity for ensuring that the working environment supports women’s dignity, safety and equality. The pre-requisite to ensuring gender equity is to formulate gender-aware and evidence-based policies with conscious emphasis on gender friendly work place practices. Simultaneously, there is a need to continuously sensitise workers and managers at all levels, to monitor physical/verbal/sexual harassment of women at workplaces and develop a mechanism to asses and remove gender biases.

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Anemia Child Climate Climate Change COVID Donate Education Environment Equality Events Foundation Gender Equity Health Human Rights National Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination Mission Newborn News Article NFHS 5 Nutrition Poor

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